where to direct your inquiries?

Hello, CSPC members. Have an inquiry but not sure whom to contact? See below for a list of emails to choose from; subject to change.

General Emails:
- Member Portal: membership@thecspc.org
- Membership Account: membership@thecspc.org
- Event Registrations: registration@thecspc.org
- Guidance & General Inquiries: info@thecspc.org
- Volunteer Inquiries: volunteerliaison@thecspc.org

In-Person Events (Alphabetical):
Have a request for a scene? Need to know if your scene will need EC approval? Looking to use the stage or curious about play equipment? Reach out to the Party Champions directly!

- All In: allin@thecspc.org
- F'in Precious: finprecious@thecspc.org
- Femmes on Top: femmesontop@thecspc.org
- Fresh Meet: freshmeet@thecspc.org
- LaQueer: laqueer@thecspc.org
- Mask Up Get Down: maskupgetdown@thecspc.org
- Myself: myself@thecspc.org
- PPMT 2.0: ppmt@thecspc.org
- Sense & Sensuality: sas@thecspc.org
- The Grind: thegrind@thecspc.org

Virtual Discussion Group Events (Alphabetical):

Arriving late and need to let the hosts know? Want to suggest a topic of discussion?

- BIPOC Talk: bipocdg@thecspc.org
- Finding Your Way: findingyourway@thecspc.org
- More Amore: moreamore@thecspc.org
- Neurodivergent:  nddg@thecspc.org
- Queer: queerdg@thecspc.org
- S/switch: switchdg@thecspc.org
- Sub Club: btsdg@thecspc.org
- View from the Top: vftdg@thecspc.org
- Wicked Wordplay: wickedwordplay@thecspc.org

Officer Directors:

- Board President: president@thecspc.org

- Board Secretary: TBD

- Treasurer: treasurer@thecspc.org

Division Directors:

- Events Director: eventsdirector@thecspc.org

- Human Resources (HR) Director: hrdirector@thecspc.org

- Operations Director: operationsdirector@thecspc.org

- Communications Director: communicationsdirector@thecspc.org


- Volgistics Volunteer Coordinator: vc@thecspc.org
- Social Media Coordinator: socialmediacoordinator@thecspc.org